Sometimes we are in it. In that dense fog that surrounds a ship, leaving the captain disoriented and unaware of which direction to go. What if they hit an iceberg? What if they run into another ship?
So often, we are stuck on that ship. We don't know where to turn. We don't know where to move. So, we stay stuck. Hopeless and without motivation. This place robs us of our ability to see beyond our circumstances. To see beyond our limitations. And, to see beyond today.
It is said beautifully in Proverbs:
“Where there is no vision, the people perish. ”
Without a vision, we cannot move forward in the direction that God has called us to go.
There are so many times I have felt this feeling in life. With each major life transition, I find myself standing in fear and wondering how I could possibly move forward. The season as a newlywed. How do I make marriage work? Raising a toddler and a new-born. How do I stay on top of life? (Spoiler alert. You don't.) Moving to a new city. How do I meet new friends? Sending the kids off to school. What do I do now? Starting a business. How do I get customers or clients? Each stage of life begins with a limited view.
I am calling you today, friends, to cast your vision. I am asking you to consider this question:
If you had all of the resources you needed, and you knew you couldn't fail, what would you do?
That is it. What would you do? Remember...if you "couldn't fail" had all of the resources you needed. Write it down. Blow it up. Put it on your mirror. Do not (I repeat, do not) censor yourself.
That is where we start. That is where the magic happens. Get the mud out of your eyes. Get the fog cleared away from the ship. Dream big, limitless and fearless. This is just the beginning of the journey.