How to Value You!

When we value something, we treat it with care and compassion. We invest in it, admire it, and protect it from being compromised. Isn't it interesting that we protect other people or material items we value, but at times forget to protect ourselves? Ultimately, however, we can't value others well if we don't first value ourselves. 

Consider these three ways to appreciate your own value and notice your self-defeating mindsets.

·       Mindset #1: Be Aware of Your Self-Talk

How often do we feel horrible because of the stories we tell ourselves? If you're anything like me, before I can catch myself, I have catastrophized my entire life and anything that may happen in the future. 

Usually, the stories we tell ourselves are not true. They can sound like this: "Of course I failed," or "No one cares about me anyway," or "I’m such an idiot!" These negative messages seep into our mind and rob us of our self-worth and value—and we don't even realize it is happening! 

It is our job to catch the negative self-talk. Instead, we must talk to ourselves the way we would talk to someone we value and love. 

·       Mindset #2: Be Aware of Your Boundaries

When I value others more than I value myself, I am willing to give them a disproportionate amount of my time, energy, and resources. Now, I want to clarify. Of course it is virtuous to care for others and share what we’ve been given. However, the keyword is share. Sharing our resources is excellent. Giving it all away at the expense of self is not.

Think of the last time you were on an airplane. Do you remember the flight attendant's pre-flight announcement? Did he say, "If you are traveling with a child and the oxygen mask drops down, whatever you do, make sure to put the mask on the child first"? No. He said, "Put your mask on first." Why is that? You must attend to your needs first to have the strength to help others. 

Hear me: we cannot help others if we don't value our needs first. Organize your life around your own oxygen tank. Say no to the things or people that take your oxygen so you can say yes to the things you value and to the people who value you.

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·       Mindset #3: Be Aware of Your Self-Care

We can capture our negative self-talk and learn to protect our oxygen tank, but none of that matters if we are not engaging in self-care. 

Self-care is a core component of valuing ourselves. If we don't feel our best, then our tank is empty. We don't have anything to share. Focusing on wellness, nutrition, exercise, sleep, and hydration will allow us to perform at our best. When we feel our best, we more easily recognize our value and have an abundance to share. 

Hire a trainer, hire a nutrition coach, go for walks, protect your sleep, and drink more water. Notice how much better you feel. We can't be our best selves when we neglect our fundamental needs. 

You matter. You are worth it. It is time to start living the life you were created for. 

You really are amazing! Now start living like it!


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Kim Anderson is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC-MHSP) and a Certified Life Professional Coach (CPLC) who loves helping others live their lives with passion and purpose. She lives with her husband and two teenagers outside of Nashville, in Franklin, Tennessee, where she loves seasons, rolling hills, and the warmth of the South. Follow Kim at, on Instagram @kim_anderson_coaching, and on Facebook@ KimAndersonLifeCoaching to learn more about what she offers.


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