Anxiety and COVID-19

Let’s talk about anxiety for a minute. It’s something you’ve probably felt at some point in your life or are currently struggling with. And you’re not alone. Roughly 40 million Americans struggle with it every single year. I’d also venture to say most of us are struggling with it right now in light of what’s going on in the world..

 Understandably, panic and fear are sweeping our world at an alarming rate with the spread of COVID-19. 

Between media hysterics and our little knowledge on the virus, it’s no wonder we have concerns. As humans, we don’t like things that are unpredictable, unclear, or uncertain—especially when they’re not within our control.  

Anxiety is simply our body’s natural response to a perceived threat in contrast to the ability or resources we have (or believe we have) to solve it. We don’t like feeling out of control, so we buy toilet paper and all the hand sanitizer we can get our hands on. That will solve everything . . . right?

I’m not here to debate the severity of COVID-19 (you have plenty of people in your life you can do that with). What I am here to tell you is that sitting in a hyper-vigilant state of distress and anxiety isn’t going to help. What will help is keeping your stress and anxiety low, which will help your immune system, and make social distancing more relaxing and enjoyable. 

Anxiety and COVID-19

Okay, so you want to reduce your anxiety . . . but how!? While we alone can’t cure COVID-19, we can all bring our stress levels down and relax our nervous systems by using in these three strategies: 

1. Breathing Exercises

When our body is stressed, it releases hormones to protect us, putting our body into fight or flight mode. We lose the ability to think rationally and calmly (so we buy 1,000 rolls of toilet paper).

Breathing exercises lower your heartbeat, blood pressure, and increase oxygen in your body. So . . . take a moment and start breathing like this:

  •  Take a deep breath for five seconds, hold for five seconds, and release for eight   seconds. 

  • Pay attention to your breath coming in and out of your belly. You can do this by sitting up with your hand on your belly or lying down flat. Notice your belly moving in and out or rising and falling.

  • Repeat until you start to feel relaxed, and practice these skills multiple times a day, even when you aren’t stressed. 

Don’t you feel better already?

2. Unplug or Disconnect 

Our brain can wander into catastrophic situations faster than we know. Having the news on 24-7 or scanning social media for new updates regularly isn’t helpful. 

Being “in the know” might make us feel in control, but focusing on the media hype puts our nervous system on high alert which just causes more stress in our body.  Check in as needed for updates that will keep you prepared rather than searching for news will keep you on edge. Focus on what you can control, not on what you can’t.

3. Take necessary precautions. 

It’s understandable to want a sense of control over your life. We all do. Our brains are hardwired to want to feel safe. But the truth is, ultimately, we aren’t in control. However, we can take steps to take control of our own environment by engaging in positive practices. 

So be wise. Wash your hands. Take steps to build your immune system like eating healthy food, taking vitamins, and getting plenty of sleep. Distance yourself from others. Trust God. Faith brings peace.

And if you have a weak immune system already, be cautious and wise about how you interact with others. 

Use this time as a gift to spend quality time with your family, catch up on old movies, read those books by your bedside table, organize the closet you’ve been meaning to get to, or just plain rest. We can all use some rest.

Let’s all just take a deep breath (or many) and not let panic and anxiety take over. Times like these make us stronger. We’ve got this!

Which one of these strategies are you going to implement today?

Tell me in the comments below!

**If anxiety is something that you struggle with on a regular basis, check out my new book, Unstuck (on sale now on Amazon), which provides practical tools for women struggling with anxiety. Also, stay tuned for the next offering of my online course Anxiety Cleanse, by signing up here

You are amazing! Start living like it!


Kim Anderson is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC-MHSP) and a Certified Life Professional Coach (CPLC) who loves helping others live their lives with passion and purpose. She lives with her husband and two teenagers outside of Nashville, in Franklin, Tennessee, where she loves seasons, rolling hills, and the warmth of the South. Follow Kim at, on Instagram @kim_anderson_life, and on FacebookKimAndersonLifeCoachingto learn more about what she offers.


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