Four Boundaries That Will Protect You in This Season

The topic of boundaries is one of my favorite things to talk about. For so long, I didn’t understand what they were. And as a recovering people pleaser, I believed that setting boundaries with others was unkind. So it probably doesn’t surprise you to learn that setting them with myself (engaging in self-care) was foreign. Now that I understand that boundaries actually provide freedom, I want to help others live in freedom too!

Currently, we are living in an odd season of life—one that none of us have walked through before. So in order to survive this new normal, it’s crucial that we have boundaries in place.

We can all take care of ourselves in the best way possible when we focus on setting these boundaries in these areas of our lives:

Four Boundaries That Will Protect You in This Season

1. Set limits on your news and social media intake.

While it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest information (so you are informed and prepared), it’s not necessary to have the news running 24/7. It’s also not helpful to turn to social media for your facts and data, when it typically only adds to fear and hysteria. Be sure to unplug and be present with those in your space. 

2. Set limits on your couch time.

Let’s face it: We are all more sedentary than before COVID-19. And moving less can lead to feelings of sluggishness and depression. It’s important to get out and move! If you’re limited in your ability to get outside, tap into virtual workouts. Releasing endorphins is crucial to feeling positive during this time.

3. Set limits on your alone time. 

We are created for connection and loneliness can be unbearable. Create space to connect with your loved ones during this time, even if it’s virtual: Talk to neighbors across the street, FaceTime with those who don’t live nearby, and use group apps like Zoom and Marco Polo to provide some much needed relief for your soul.

4. Set limits on your negative thoughts. 

Our thoughts have a direct impact on the way we feel. Pay attention to the story you’re telling yourself. Is it true? Do you have any evidence? Are you jumping to conclusions or catastrophizing your current circumstances? If there is truth and/or evidence, is it true that you don’t have the tools to handle it? Seek truth, and only allow yourself to ruminate on that. Focusing on the stories that aren’t true will only bring you down. Give yourself grace if you’re floundering right now. Chances are, most of us are too. 

I don’t know how long this current season will last, but I do know this: if we don’t engage in positive self-care and ruthlessly protect our well-being, this journey will be unbearable. 

Take some time today to be intentional about the space you are in right now. Decide how you want to live today. The choice is yours.

Which boundary do you think you need the most?

Tell me in the comments below!

You are amazing! Start living like it!


Kim Anderson is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC-MHSP) and a Certified Life Professional Coach (CPLC) who loves helping others live their lives with passion and purpose. She lives with her husband and two teenagers outside of Nashville, in Franklin, Tennessee, where she loves seasons, rolling hills, and the warmth of the South. Follow Kim at, on Instagram @kim_anderson_life, and on FacebookKimAndersonLifeCoachingto learn more about what she offers.


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