The Definition of Insanity

Have you ever heard the quote attributed to Albert Einstein about insanity?  He said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results each time. Sometimes the relationships in our lives can feel like insanity. Today I want to take a moment to talk about relationships, boundaries, and what you’re allowing into your life.  

It’s true—what you allow into your life will continue. 

If you allow:

o   Toxic people? Then the drama will continue.

o   Boundary-violators? Then your resentment will continue. 

o   An overcommitted, overscheduled pace? Then the stress and anxiety will continue. 

o   Negative thoughts that overpower you? Then depression and anxiety will continue. 

Are you allowing all of these things to continue in your life and expecting something different to happen each time? Listen, I’m not calling you insane, but you’ve got to do something different. It’s time to decide what you want to allow into your life. It’s time to choose what kind of results you want in your life. 

The Definition of Insanity

Instead of allowing toxic relationships, negative thought patterns, or the pace of life to consume you, decide what results you want and go after them. 

If you: 

o   Eliminate toxic people, you’ll have positive and thriving relationships. 

o   Set boundaries and say “no” when you need to, you’ll have peace, joy, and freedom. 

o   Focus on redeeming thoughts, you’ll feel empowered and courageous. 

Remember, you have the power to choose what you allow into your life. What you allow WILL continue.

So . . . what areas of your life are you going to change? What are you going to continue allowing and what are you going to trade for joy, peace, and freedom?

The choice is yours.  

Want 2020 to be a year that you move from stress to freedom? Jump on the waiting list HERE for my Get Unstuck group coaching, where we’ll figure out what you want, and how to get there!

Life’s too short to stay stuck!  


Now tell me, what was your biggest insight?

Let me know in the comments below!

You are amazing! Start living like it!


Kim Anderson is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC-MHSP) and a Certified Life Professional Coach (CPLC) who loves helping others live their lives with passion and purpose. She lives with her husband and two teenagers outside of Nashville, in Franklin, Tennessee, where she loves seasons, rolling hills, and the warmth of the South. Follow Kim at, on Instagram @kim_anderson_life, and on FacebookKimAndersonLifeCoachingto learn more about what she offers.


3 Ways to Deal with Toxic People


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